Thursday, August 21, 2003

The Italian Job

Just watched the premiere of The Italian Job here. It was raining in an open cinema but that didn't stop me from going. Just the thought of seeing a couple of Mini Coopers running around wildly is more than enough to bear the rain.

I haven't seen the original one, but I know that the Minis are pretty much part of it. And with BMW producing the new Mini Coopers, a remake of the movie seems a good advertising method for BMW. (BMW owns Mini, just in case you are confused). The remake has Mark Wahlberg, Edward Norton, Charlize Theron and Seth Green. A nice bunch of actors.

It's pretty much a heist movie, just like Ocean's Eleven or Heist. Clever tricks and ideas to steal a lot of gold. It's an easy entertaining movie and you can figure the plot out from the minute you see Steve's (Edward Norton) moustache. I was hoping to see the Minis in Venice, but then I remember there ain't much road in Venice. So the Minis had to wait until LA.

For this movie they used the Mini Cooper S Works. Those beasts are powerful and fast. And the handling is amazing. So I heard. I would love to get my hands on one of the fat-free Minis that Wrench prepared for the team.

There was a nice running joke about Napster in the movie, with a cameo from Shawn Fanning. Even though it seems a bit out of date, the idea of it is fresh and entertaining. And even though this movie is a remake, it's fresh and entertaining.


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