Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Got the December issue of Q in the mail. Finally something to read again, although this will probably only last for five days. But I can look for good albums. Oh, and it came with a CD, "the best of 2003". Good song. Makes me wanna buy The Darkness. Maybe I should. Yeah I will.

(I think the image will show the latest issue, so maybe in a month or two it won't show the December issue, but the subsequent issue)

The latest CD I bought:

Can't wait to see their concert in Fribourg on Dec 7th.

Yesterday stayed in the office til 2030. Yes, that is eight-thirty. I think I broke a record there. Never stayed so late before. I hope it doesn't happen again. To clear my mind, went to play UNO afterwards, with a kebab and some beers. Got home knackered. Not from work, but from the "flash" rule playing UNO.

"my hopes are high your kiss might kill me, why don't you kill me so i die happy"


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