Friday, March 11, 2005


I finally found the wristband I've been looking for. It's the yellow wristband that says LIVESTRONG sold by Nike in support of Lance Armstrong's cancer foundation.

It is for a good cause, a support for cancer. And on top of that it's a fashionable thing to wear. Nike sells them for $1 and all proceeds goed to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

In Europe these wristbands are hard to get because everybody wants one. And because everybody has one, I got to have one too. I admit, that to some extent I wear it because it's fashionable but it's also a sign of support for the fight against cancer. My grandmom died when I was a kid because of cancer so I fall in the category of "lost a loved one due to cancer".

As for Lance Armstrong himself, I think he is an amazing athlete. He fought cancer, came back, and has won 6 the Tour de France 6 times. I just wished he would compete in other big cycling competition like the Giro d'Italia. But still, his acomplishment is amazing to say the least.

What pisses me off a bit is that I paid 15 swiss francs for this thing. That's about $13 or EUR 10. I surely hope that all the money I gave will go to charity but I doubt it. The store - which sells trendy stuff - is probably just making big bucks out of something that was intended for charity.

Lance if you are reading, go sue them!


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