Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Paleo 2006, Day 1

It's time for Paleo again! And this year I have a 6-day pass, so I'm gonna do a quick recap of each day at Paleo.

Music: Pixies - a fat Frank Black and a giggly Kim Deal way past their years, but still playing good rock that inspired Kurt Cobain. Ben Harper - has made Paleo his home and he was enjoying himself.

Transport: Drove the scooter to Prangins (it took me 40 minutes because that thing cannot go faster than 60 kph), then the free bus to the festival. Got a ride back home.

Food: Japanese pizza (an omelet more or less), a rat skewer (or meat lolly) and a summer roll.

Drinks: Only beer. Had a couple of them.

Place: Mostly Rugby Bar as usual.

Time: Got there around 20.00, left around 02.00.


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